1. Intro - Doctor Doctor 2. Churchill's Speach / Aces High 3. Where Eagles Dare 4. 2 Minutes to Midnight 5. The Clansman 6. The Trooper 7. Revelations 8. For the Greater Good of God 9. The Wicker Man
CD 2
1. Sign of the Cross 2. Flight of Icarus 3. Fear of the Dark 4. The Number of the Beast 5. Iron Maiden 6. The Evil That Men Do 7. Hallowed Be Thy Name 8. Run to the Hills
Taper's notes : It's not always simple to tape during a festival but this one was particularly hard to record. Recorded from the middle of the crowd, I had to try to avoid chatters, false singing, drunkards and crowd-surfers. You'll probably notice some drop-outs in the sound from time to time. This is when I had to protect the mic from crowd-surfers. Unfortunately the mic has been bumped a couple of times and it can be heard on the recording. I first thought the result would be aweful but it turned out good considering the bad taping conditions.