1. Earthshaker Rock 2. I Rule the Ruins 3. You're My Family 4. Always Live to Win 5. Haunted Heart 6. Burning the Witches 7. True as Steel 8. Above the Ashes 9. Hellbound 10. Strangers Yesterday 11. Für Immer 12. All We Are 13. Warrior Soul
1. Gimme, Gimme, Gimme with Dirk Bach (Abba cover) 2005 TV Germany (4'03) 2. Interview "Rock For Asia" 2005 TV Germany (1'43) 3. Brussels "Ten Weyngaert" 05/10/2002 with the Belgian Hardrock band
"KILLER" 3 songs (12'56) : - All We Are - Burning the Witches - Ace of Spades (Mötorhead Cover)