Audio Recordings

Alice Cooper
6 July 1971
The Roostertail's Upper Deck
Detroit, MI, United States
Love It to Death
1 CD
FM Radio Broadcast

1. Nobody Likes Me *
2. Sun Arise
3. Caught in a Dream >
4. I'm Eighteen
5. Is It My Body
6. Slick Black Limousine*
7. Second Coming>
8. Ballad of Dwight Frye (sic)
9. Black Juju
10. Return of the Spiders

Original Sleeve Notes:
"Recorded live back when it counted the most./ * are studio outtakes./ Prepared with the special arrangments necessary
from MB and Mr. W.Z.ARDO./ "Slick Black Limousine" from the Anytown Overseas Audiophile Co-Op./ Nice to see Vincent in such good form./ Grins and inches to our Beserkely Hostz./ Dwight Frye (sic) appears curtsy of Chuck and Buddy/ R.O.T.S. especially for Deek / All mono / TAKRL 1932"

SWP notes :

The source of this show WAS a mystery (to me) before. As the AC Band were promoting "Love It To Death" as of January 1971, I assumed this show could be from the first quarter of '71. In February 1971 (sic), the ABC network radio station WXYZ-FM in Detroit becomes WRIF-FM (101.6 FM). ( reports this as November 1970.) I can only assume a crew from ABC Radio was sent to do a recording or broadcast from the venue. Its been reported as being from The Roostertail's Upperdeck, July 6, 1971. (
This show has been circulated online before, but any version I heard never sounded as good as my tape, despite it being of unknown generation.  I transferred the tape to CD in the early days of CD-R and I used Cool Edit Pro to process the file with tape hiss reduction. (I was a noob at doing this...)  Surprisingly, (revisiting this in 2024, and knowing now how much I dislike broadband NR) there's not a lot of audible artifacts.  
I decided to spring a "slightly better" version upon the world.  Using my CD-R as source, I cleaned it up, fixed most of the major dropouts. There's still a few audible pops and FM static present. The original source used for the TAKRL boot probably wasn't the best to begin with.  

Also the original boot LP had 2 (at the time, officially released but relatively unknown / very hard to find) studio recordings that are now available on the "Life and Crimes" boxset.

Frequency Analysis
Parricidal Slumbers